


  Scriptorium Cristian Andersson installation Information streams tickle branches of the trees along the river. A stronger wind approaches from afar. Its gusts will tear leaves from their branches, tear open the shawls of vines covering the sleeping faces of benign forest creatures. The basin will be flooded with information whirling and spitting, it will overflow and the Interforest floor will be littered in torn flesh jutting ligaments bearing the marks of terminal stress. Those poor creatures of the interforest, conceived in the innocence of youth, will taste the nectar of data and will catch fire behind their eyes.  They will bite at each other's heels, so as to satisfy the flow of data through them, the flow of data housed in blood, who nurtures at the cost of data input, blood spilled, rendered from carcasses and recycled, replenished into data more fit for the future, and data as it piles on more and more, will meet other data, and explode in fury. Passion is born of da...


Ryoji Ikeda Ryoji Ikeda JUL 19 - AUG 26, 2018 Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, RU code-vers e   Sounds whir constantly through the networks of leaves in the Interforest. Even when silent, unheard, they pass in streams of signals. When, walking through the Interforest, a sound meets your ear, it is but one strand of a halo of spinning stars, whose brightness and deepness together is too much for the human ear to take, so the ear leans away from the higher and lower frequencies, the most holy and profane circles of the halo, so as not to perish by the power of infinity.  When I put my own lips to the mouthpiece of my staff, constructed from the throats of those who couldn't keep their contracts, and I blow air, and it produces sounds, the same familiar screams, could I really call those sounds new and original? After all, my own breath comes from the halo of perpetual motion, propelled by the energy of a sun plummeting constantly toward death, and the frequencies it ex...


Like candles on the ocean, lifted by waves hidden in the sky’s vast shadow, the stars loom overhead. Far above the sleeping village, far above the sleepless young shepherd who gazes upward, stretched out upon hilltop, hoping to catch in the eye a stray droplet of starlight. The metal poles that dot the hills produce their whirring that sweeps across the cool air of nighttime, meeting the ears of the young shepherd who assumes that the whirs are the songs of the stars. In a daze of youthful imagination, the whirring transforms into a chorus of celestial voices. The damp grass grows colder between the youth’s fingers, whose fidgeting comes to a halt inspired by a piercing clarity in the head. Infinity hangs above the earth. Dotted with holes. A light shines through. Who suspends infinity? Who shines the light? It is only one. The one who sees, and knows they are the Creator.  GEM 2023 05 01 01 33 16 Knowing this, and being content to know all, the young shepherd drifts to sleep, carr...


  an experiment with sound and image We arrived at another village, close to the size of my own, perhaps a bit larger. At least the emptiness of the streets inflated the hollowness of the place, and the gray sunshine sucked the color out of everything. Interrupting the emptiness every fifty feet or so was a sleeping person, lying on their back, in the middle of the road, lying perfectly straight, in the gray sunlight. Their mouths were all slightly agape, lips and tongue blurred from vibrations. "You can't hear them, but they're communicating right now. They're singing to each other in their slumber, forming a network across the village," she said while looking straight onward, paying no heed to the sleeping persons she was referring to. "Soon this network will be integrated with the Waiyado."  I cull the urge to ask what the Waiyado is, given my apprehension toward opening my mouth, lest the vile tongue should awaken from my belly again. Luckily she exp...


I awake to a chorus of wailings on the rising sun. Aimless wanderers crowd the market road, but ash is the only aroma filling the air. Someone approaches me, face obscured by the day's harsh brilliance. As I turn my head to regard them, a tugging tightens in my mouth, and I am reminded of the long tongue coming from my throat, which has become by now twice as rotten and warty. As I pull back, patches of browned flesh pull apart in filmy layers. I fall backward. The tongue has snapped apart. Bracing myself to feel the ground on my neck, I feel on my shoulders a pair of frail arms sustain me from my fall. What remains hanging of the tongue recedes down into my throat, and only then does the shadow of its intolerable taste attack my memory (it was the sweetness of something rotten, nature corrupted). "Your mother and father have thrown themselves into the ocean. Your sisters and brothers are dead, you were presumed dead too" Old Man Hands's arm descends shakily from my s...


  interforest equinox made in Pure data using GEM extension, there is music too but I forgot to record the sound for this one. routed all changing parameters to volume of a mono synth. trees are generated using an L-system (taken and modified from an example patch). ways to move forward: generate more variables for the L-system to have more complex branching patterns, craft a more extensive lofi 3d environment with simple shapes, create and import .obj files, hook up separate parameters to different musical parameters (frequency, amplitude gates, specific midi input) "The denoted image naturalizes the symbolic message, it innocents the semantic artifice of connotation, which is extremely dense, especially in advertising."  -Roland Barthes, "Rhetoric of the Image" in Image, Music, Text , 45  Without time to catch my breath I hurried my step to keep up with her, so that my tongue, wrapped around her hand, would not violently push my head forward at each step of hers,...