an experiment with sound and image We arrived at another village, close to the size of my own, perhaps a bit larger. At least the emptiness of the streets inflated the hollowness of the place, and the gray sunshine sucked the color out of everything. Interrupting the emptiness every fifty feet or so was a sleeping person, lying on their back, in the middle of the road, lying perfectly straight, in the gray sunlight. Their mouths were all slightly agape, lips and tongue blurred from vibrations. "You can't hear them, but they're communicating right now. They're singing to each other in their slumber, forming a network across the village," she said while looking straight onward, paying no heed to the sleeping persons she was referring to. "Soon this network will be integrated with the Waiyado." I cull the urge to ask what the Waiyado is, given my apprehension toward opening my mouth, lest the vile tongue should awaken from my belly again. Luckily she exp...